张 五 常
这里提出的是学写英文的方法,不是学讲英文的方法。自己的耳朵有问题,「讲」不足以教也。这里要谈的也不是考英文的方法。后者同学们要拜国内的新东方为师。我认识新东方的老板,欣赏他对学子的贡献。然而,写、讲、考是三回不同的事,各有各的学习佳法。这里要说的是中国人学写英文的方法,千万不要搞错。学写,中文与英文有三处重要不同:字汇(vocabulary)、动词(verb)、造句(sentence structure)。让我在这三项上说说吧。记住,我的建议是从中、英的不同之处入手。
中文的动词,字的本身没有时间性。我们要以附加字――曾、将、了等――来表达过去或将来。英文动词,字的本身有时间性――如加-ed或go、went、gone等。但英文又加上「完成式」――perfect tense――变化多了,使一些书本说英文的动词时态(tense)有九个或十二个。太复杂了。
用英文动词,首先要决定的是说现在(present)、过去(past),还是「无所谓,二者皆可」。现在就用现在式,过去就用过去式,二者皆可就任择其一,但凡是二者皆可的,选现在式是选了不变,选过去式也是选了不变,不可转来转去。这是说,二者皆可的,选其一之后,要stay in one tense。这是作文章引言或结论时的最佳处理,通常选简单现在式较简单过去式优胜。
除了现在或过去,英文动词有三类时态:简单(simple)、继续(continuous)与完成(perfect)。愚见以为,中国人写英文不要花拳绣腿,卖弄技巧,动词以简单为妙。可用简单现在(simple present,如I go)或简单过去(simple past,如I went),用之可也。事实上,简单动态的文字最有力,虽然有时「继续」与「完成」等动态是非用不可的。
继续时态是指加-ing,浅而明,不需要说了。但完成时态(perfect tense)不容易。我处理完成时态(have、had、has等)是用第二个简化,那就是完成时态有时度(time dimension),而这是中文动词没有的。英文的简单时态是一�x那(one instant of time),过去是过去,现在是现在,没有一段时期的时度;继续时态也是一�x那――过去或现在继续的一�x那,也没有时度。I forget是现在忘记,I forgot是以前忘记,I am forgetting是正在忘记,I have forgotten是从以前到现在之间的时度中忘记了――不知何时忘记而现在还忘记。
「时度」是比较难解释的,而「完成时态」这称呼有点莫名其妙。不明白的读者要从one instant of time与overtime这分别去想――后者有时度,或者记凡有since这个字或有其意的句子都有时度。
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
读清楚了吗?文气如虹,都是短句,是直写,全用简单时态,and stay in one tense!这是最可取的英文基础了。
详见“制度主义时代”http://www.stevenxue.com/ 上的“电子文献”
The Elements of Style 请见http://www.bartleby.com/141/
Friday, May 23, 2003
Truth, Good and Beauty
by Bertrand Russell
Throughout the nineteenth century the True, the Good, and the Beautiful preserved their precarious existence in the minds of earnest atheists. But their very earnestness was their undoing, since it made it impossible for them to stop at a halfway house. Pragmatists explained that Truth is what it pays to believe. Historians of morals reduced the Good to a matter of tribal custom. Beauty was abolished by the artists in a revolt against the sugary insipidities of a philistine epoch and in a mood of fury in which satisfaction is to be derived only from what hurts. And so the world was swept clear not only of God as a person but of God's essence as an ideal to which man owed an ideal allegiance; while the individual, as a result of a crude and uncitical interpretation of sound doctrines, was left without any inner defense against social pressure.
by Bertrand Russell
Throughout the nineteenth century the True, the Good, and the Beautiful preserved their precarious existence in the minds of earnest atheists. But their very earnestness was their undoing, since it made it impossible for them to stop at a halfway house. Pragmatists explained that Truth is what it pays to believe. Historians of morals reduced the Good to a matter of tribal custom. Beauty was abolished by the artists in a revolt against the sugary insipidities of a philistine epoch and in a mood of fury in which satisfaction is to be derived only from what hurts. And so the world was swept clear not only of God as a person but of God's essence as an ideal to which man owed an ideal allegiance; while the individual, as a result of a crude and uncitical interpretation of sound doctrines, was left without any inner defense against social pressure.
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